Thursday, September 29, 2016

Child Custody Considerations for Your Divorce Consultation

Child Custody in Divorce


In California family law children are always the most important part of a divorce. It is not practical to fight to deny the other parent contact with the child unless there is a legitimate threat to their safety and well being. Under California law there is extensive range of what is considered acceptable parenting. What might not be acceptable standards to you might be considered acceptable parenting to the court or judge.
In California divorce and family situations that warrant an investigation of one or the other parent’s allegations about the way their partner is parenting the children we have an “evaluation.” Evaluations get to the bottom of what’s going on in the family situation or your spouse’s particular parenting style. Ultimately the evaluations serve to inspire the parents to be more skilled at communicating with, and more sensitive,  to the best interest of the child.

Aggressive Stance in a Divorce?

When it comes to child custody and visitation in a California divorce case it is not uncommon for either one of the litigants to take a very aggressive stance against their spouse when they initially consult with their divorce attorney.  Divorcees are often very challenged during the dissolution process which takes a toll on their emotions.
A good Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer is going to acknowledge and explore the concerns of your divorce case with you but will counsel you as to what the local family law and the public policy. The public policy with children is that “Children come first in a divorce.”

Frequent and Regular Contact with Children in a Divorce

Both parents are supposed to have a meaningful relationship with frequent and regular contact with the child(ren.) This “frequent and regular contact” can be open to some interpretation by your local family law court. 
Does that mean that a 50%-time share will equal “frequent and regular contact” or can one have 20% time share and still have frequent and regular contact? The answer is Yes, you can have less than 50% visitation time share and still be considered as frequent and regular contact?
This is often the case for divorce and child custody scenarios where the other parent may live out of state or to for away for regular weekend visits. However, this visitation scenario can be compensated by solutions such extended vacation or holiday times. The goal is to be considerate and give each parent frequent and regular contact with their child(ren.)

Physical and Mental Health of Children in a Divorce Case

The physical and mental of the children is always a priority to the family law courts. It is often the case that the divorce litigants will get overwhelmed by their divorce. All the changes going on in their lives that will lose sight of how their lack of composure will adversely affect the mental and physical health of their children.
If there are children involved in a divorce case a good divorce lawyer will help you stay focused on making the best decisions to benefit the mental, physical, and financial well being of your children.

This is a paraphrased excerpt from a video I made regarding "What to Expect at Your Divorce Consultation." I hope you found this brief divorce consultation information useful. You may find additional info on the aforementioned video as well as my blog on my personal divorce firm website.

Blessings for a good day.

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